Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Princess and the Frog Party!

Delight your little girl by giving her a beautifully decorated party with these Princess and the Frog Party planning ideas. Your child’s Princess and the Frog Party will set the stage for an adventure featuring Princess Tiana, a love-sick Cajun firefly, a horn-blowing alligator, and two talking frogs.

(From our friends at Birthday Party Planning Ideas)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Kid-Made Party Details

This is a great question : how much do you allow the kids to plan, design or decorate their own parties?

As my daughter's sixth birthday approaches, I'm trying to find more ways to give her ownership of her big day. As much as I love admiring the details of a beautifully executed birthday, I also love letting kids play a major role in the look and feel of their parties [...]

Check out this 1st Birthday Castle Cake

I found this Castle cake which uses ready to roll icing to get a great result. Neat!

Many years ago my aunty made me a castle cake for my birthday, and I thought it was amazing, so when it came to my own daughter's 1st birthday I wanted [...]

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Eva’s Enchanted Garden Party

There's going to be something for every party in this article - what an array of fabulous decorating ideas on the theme of an enchanted garden - file this under Princess Party Ideas!

Princess Doll's Party

enchanted garden party 2

Enchanted Garden Party

What little girl doesn’t love the idea of an enchanted garden? Whimsical moss greens and bright red were the chosen color palette for this party designed by Alecia of Boutique Affairs (an Australia reader!). Sweet pink and red butterfly cookies along with clever treat names like ‘Magic Monkey Chips” make for a darling display. Moss plate settings are topped with wooden utensils tied with bakers twine. Love the look? You can find wooden utensils at Shop Sweet Lulu!

enchanted garden 3

enchanted garden party 1

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I hope you have found lots of enchanted inspiration in this party feature from the stamped wooden cutlery to the enchanted garden theme!

Vendors + Credits

Design/Styling/Desserts – Boutique Affairs | Boutique Affairs on Facebook
Photography – Her Photography
Stationery – Her Designs
Toadstool Cookies – Hello Naomi
Felt Toadstools - Sweet Tashie
Cutlery Stamp - www.mrsainthecove.blogspot.com