Last week my daughter came home from school very excited about a new game they had played - it was called "Elves, Wizards and Giants."
As we talked about how the game worked I realised it could be a great Princess party game - especially if you have a few Princes joining in the fun! The game is a combination of the old favourite "Rock, paper, scissors" blended with the chasing game "tag."
This is how it works : you need plenty of players and plenty of space - each round ends with one team chasing the other to a 'safe zone.' To begin with, have all the players practice the action that reveals their choice :
Elves hold their hands up to their ears to form pointy elf ears, making high pitched elven noises
Wizards thrust their hands out in front as if casting a spell, making suitable sound effects (like zzzzzap, boom or kazam)
Giants hold their arms overhead, making themselves as tall as possible while making booming, growling sounds
Once everyone has the idea, divide into two teams, standing in lines a few feet apart and facing the other team. Each team huddles together and makes a team choice of which character to play : Elf, Wizard or Giant. When the decide, the organiser calls "3, 2, 1" and the teams reveal their choice across the battle lines.
The rules are :
Elf outwits Wizard (Elf wins)
Wizard zaps Giant (Wizard wins)
Giant squishes Elf (Giant wins)
The losing team run for the safe zone with the winners in pursuit. Anyone tagged joins the winning team. Repeat the game until everyone is on one team.
There certainly are some parties where "Elves, Wizards and Giants" would be on the list of Princess party games!